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Bible and Quran

My blogs about Bible and Quran site and about my books.

Happy New Year!

By Sherly at 2006-01-02 21:23:28
I wish you all a very happy and blessed New Year.

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Thanks and God bless
Sherly Isaac
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By william smith at 2010-03-01 01:39:41
I do not try to deny the obvious, but try to understand hype handbags the message behind the context - may be I will learn something that handbags can help me in life.
I have found that we first worship our culture and then try very hard to fit our God coach handbags into it (sometimes even if it means convoluted explanations)- why are we christians, or muslims, or buddists -

By rose smith at 2007-12-28 21:50:11
God of the Bible gave clear instruction saying, "that you must honor your mother and father so that you may live long in the land which He gives you." But we find that in Quran that there is no instruction of honoring mother and father. We read a few of the commandments in this Quranic verses but still there is no sign of the commandment of honoring our mother and father.
Again here is another mistake u hve jst made read surah:al isra, verse23: And ur lord has decreed that u worship none bt him. and dat u be dutiful to ur parents. if one of them or both of them attain old age in ur life,say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them bt adress them in terms of honour.
same surah verse24: and lower to them the wing of submission and humility through mercey, and say: my lord bestow on them ur mercey as they did bring me up wen i wz young.
why is it dat there is soooooooo many rest homes for parents in all western countries if ur religion is being followed correctly and respected nd none in most muslim countries is it coz our quran commonds us to look nd care afta our own parents or is it coz ur bilble tells u too.

By rose smith at 2007-12-28 21:30:22
I have read ur article abt the difference between da quran nd the bible
nd i jst wana say dat i cme across alot of mistakes nd misunderstandings which of course can not be blamed on the quran or islam or allah, since i can not fix dem all i will jst correct 1 particular mistake that really bugs me.
In ur article u said: dat god of the bible forgives our sins nd gives us enternal life while allah doesnt.
if only u had taken enough tym to read nd understand the words of allah in da quran u wuld not hve said such a false statement abt the most Gracious, the most high.
for example here is an ayah from the quran surah ghafir (forgiver) cn u understand the meaning of forgiver hw cn u then say such a lie against allah wen he sent down a surah named forgiver.
verse3:The forgiver of sin, the acceptor of repentance the sever in punishment the bestower(of favours)la ilaha illa huwa(none has the right to be worshiped but him) to him is the final returan.
Datz jst 1 example there is stil many more bt i reckon 1 is more than enough to correct ur mistake hopefully u wont repeat the sme statement again!!!

By azzum Waqar at 2006-03-20 14:33:15
read surah al imran 3:5
it says Nothing is hidden form Allah

By azzum Waqar at 2006-03-20 09:08:16
and i haev asked too many catholics m8s in ma school tht who told ya tht Jesus is the son of God. they all say :ma parents. hahahha!
By azzum Waqar at 2006-03-20 08:58:08
and i haev asked too many catholics m8s in ma school tht who told ya tht Jesus is the son of God. they all say :ma parents. hahahha!
By azzum Waqar at 2006-03-20 08:53:06
read Surah NABA as well.
By azzum Waqar at 2006-03-20 08:50:26
you people are heading towards a severe disaster. you people dont fear wats gonna happen to u in the grave and life hereafter. for u lots this world is heaven for u and for us its like a jail. you people say tht to come near God leave everything and ur priest has to be celibate otherwise he cant come near God. u lots are DUMB!!! But Islam doent teach this bullshit. if you want to come near the God you have to do good deeds read namaz but if it is wedding time go celibrate wedding. our religion is a sourse of how to live a life how to ge near God. n tell ya wat Allah will never forgive u lots about Jesus being the son of God.(Tauba Nauz Billah)
By azzum Waqar at 2006-03-20 08:41:21
i think that you have nt read the Quran carefully. andi dunno wat u talkin about, Dr. Zakir Naik who is a Islamic scholar had a debate with Dr. William Campbell and Dr. Naik mentioned 23 scientific errors in the bible. in the bible it says that the earth is flat and in the other chapter it says earth is circle, this shape make a disc not sphere. However, in Quran it says in Surah Ar-Rahman tht earth is geosphereical. i think u need to learn quite alot. if you want to see dr Zakir Naik go to google type his name and you will find him. and how come u said tht Allah is not all knowing. he is all knowing ok. any way read surah al Nisa and it will show you that Jesus is the son of Mary not Allah. let me ask u a question. if you design a product and people start saying that you and someother person has done it how would you will. Would u tell people tht this product is only designed by me? same here. Allah who is One and says there is no partner of Allah he is alone (Surah Ikhlas)and you people say tht Jesus is the son of God, Did Jesus created heaven and earth? NO. he is a messenger of Allah the almighty. we know jesus was (RuhAllah)one who touches the dead and he becomes alive. but Muhammad (pbuh)was the seal and king of all the prophets and messengers. and i dunno wat u talin about ur own king Najashi of Ethopia said this and the gospel are the light of one candle. i would say u people jus change Bible every year. how conme the earth is flat. next time before talkin about Quran or Islam you better get prepared unlike Dr. William Campbell.


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